1. Discarded Bolts, originally uploaded by Piyush Sarode.

    While trekking along railway tracks at "The Green Route" in the Sakleshpur, one could see lot of old broken material that was removed as part of maintenance and gauge conversion activity.


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  2. Peacock, originally uploaded by Piyush Sarode.

    A lonely peacock wandering in the lost city of Rameshwaram. This fearless peacock even allowed us to come closer for taking picture.


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  3. On the way to the famous Pangong Tso Lake, (also called Pangong Lake), one has to cross Chang La pass in the Himalayas at an altitude of 17,799 Feet's (5,425 Meters). The weather was not good and it was snowing continuously on the day we had planned to visit the lake. Entry to the pass was not allowed until snowing stops and sun starts shining again. Few visitors returned from the entry checkpoint of the ChangLa Pass while we decided to wait for some more time hoping for weather to clear. With nothing more to do, except wait, we were back to photographing surroundings and playing in snow. Looked as if, this bird was also waiting for snowing to stop and sun to shine and lift surrounding temperatures to more comfortable levels.



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  4. A close-up shot of red gerbera.


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  5. This is a summer season in India. Mercury is rising day by day and it seems that we already have had record highest temperature in past 25 years at Bangalore; with met department predicting further increase.

    Yesterday, by evening thunderclouds covered the sun, brought rains and heavy winds with them; and the city was lashed with downpour that halted the soaring temperatures.


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  6. Shot this one while traveling in Goa.


    Also visit: Weekend-Reflection


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  7. I Came across this while trekking on the beaches of Gokarna, Karnataka, India. Don't what this actually is but its shape is just perfect.


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  8. Peacocks are beautiful creatures, and rightly they are national bird of India. I had seen them them mostly in pictures and zoos, but seeing it up close in a forest has its charm. One could just appreciate its beauty and catchy colours.


    For more information on peacocks refer to

    1) National Geographic Site:

    2) Wikipedia Link:


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I was born and brought up in the city famous for its oranges, Nagpur. Completed graduation from the College Of Engineering, Pune (in short COEP). Currently working as an embedded systems engineer in the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore.
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