There is this interesting friend of mine. The following post is based on an imaginative but partly true incident, based on his thinking process in his words.
I must not forget… I am reminding myself so many times so that I must not forget.
I can remember things very well, that's why today I have such a nice job. I really don’t know why my friends keep calling that I have habit of forgetting things. I really don’t know.
Today, I really got angry on him when he reminded me check my PIN before coming here to withdraw money. Was there any need to specify that. Off course I remember my PIN. After all it was I who specifically chose that PIN. And to remind myself I have chosen PIN based on my personal lucky number… or what my birthday… no no, its based on my fiancée b’day. Sure. Yes, time itself I had asked to change PIN. I remember correctly; its my fiancée’s birthday.
Once again, while dropping me at the ATM, why had he commented on whether I remembered the PIN. Off course yes. Anyway's I need not waste my mind on these trivial matters. Let him speak whatever he wants to… I will show him when my time comes.
I remember this process, first I need to insert my card in the ATM machine, then one beep, yes that’s exactly the number of affairs I had in my life, seriously, ok not counting those innumerous not so serious affairs. Then the machine will ask for PIN, I will then have to punch 4 numbers then select savings as my account, then enter the amount I need to withdraw and then that's it.
Beep. Enter your 4-digit PIN.
I know the PIN, its 2185. my fiancée’s birthday.
Incorrect PIN.
What the hell? Oh yes, I remembered that was my initial PIN. How could I had forgotten that. I was deeply in love that time so I had kept everything she liked. The PIN, the dresses I bought, the colors of the house, the perfumes etc.
5913. One of my lucky numbers, it adds up to the single digit ‘9’. I had chosen PIN which totaled to the digit ‘9’ (5+9+1+3 = 18 => 1+8 => 9). 3456 also totals to ‘9’, but I had rejected that one because it was too simple and anybody could figure that up. There are so many options that totals up to ‘9’, but I remember the PIN I chose had ‘3’ and ‘5’. And this must be correct. Otherwise how could I remember the number that totaled to 9 exactly, if I had not used that before. Even if I multiply each digits of this PIN, then total it, it again totals to 5*9*1*3 = 135 => 1+3+5 => ‘9’; yes that’s what I had choose. Also I had spent quite long time while choosing this PIN as I wanted simple, yet complex yet easy to remember.
Incorrect PIN.
What? That’s not correct!!! My birth date 3578 no that was the second PIN I had chosen, before this third change. ‘3456’, no that's too simple. 3999, no that was bill amount of the saree I bought other day and forgot the saree on the counter itself, 9989 no that was bill for the suit, 1121, no that was number of unread mails in my mailbox. I guess it is 7543, but multiplication and then summation does not add to ‘9’. But yes, that is correct; I guess.
Incorrect PIN, Contact nearest branch for your Card.
Shit, xxxx, that was the ‘fourth’ card that I lost in this damn machine.
What is this reminder? I do not have any bills pending today. Ohh shit, How could I forget, 3456 was the correct PIN, I had set reminder for that. Totals to 9, multiply its digits and again totals to ‘9’. Simple yet complex.
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