1. What the hell? I would never apply for this company again. Did they call me to show how much I know or don't. I had already warned that I don't know much about corporate cultures and practical experience of programming, after all what should they expect from a person with the background like me. That excruciating pain of being constantly scanned like cornered suspected explosive material was really unbearable.

    Now I need to wait almost another week in anticipation of results for what transpired that day. What a person like me do? I really sympathize with every engineering graduate going through this.... but what we all could do? We need to find job is good and of course that pays well, and this is part and parcel of that.

    Mr. Ramesh, lets see what you have done so far? I see you are Bachelor of Engineering in the computer science, passed from pune university... hmm... first class through out... what projects you have done recently?

    Sir, ... I have .....

    We know, looking at this sheet, which resembled like bio-data, what have you done in the recent past. Nothing much impressive though. How this system works, Can you explain?

    It is, umm, basically......

    Ohh is it? I thought it works differently. While the guy conducting discussion said this, the other two raised their eye-brows looked at each other and winked. I wondered what they has just thought of. With every passing question the chance of getting there was going down.

    And finally the most dreadful question what is your short-term carrier plan or in simple term what you want to achieve in the next 1 year and what you want to become in another 5 years. I scampered around for answers and mumbled something which I don't want to remember again.

    After agonizing wait, the much anticipated and eagerly awaited letter announcing results arrived. I almost tore it in the hurry to know my fate. The last line read "After having discussion with you over your performance in the past year, We are pleased to increase your compensation by another 25%; we hope you continue putting similar stunning performances."


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  2. I remember there used to be this Ad several years back on TV that urged two-wheeler riders to wear a helmet. It showed a hammer coming down on a coconut and coconut being smashed to pieces and then the Ad used to ask a question imagine if your head had been there instead of coconut. I don't know how many realized the importance of wearing a helmet while riding a two-wheeler from that. Some criticized and opposed when Govt. made it compulsorily to wear helmet saying it should be left to people as per their wish, those who worry about their life will definitely wear it.

    Yesterday, when we were buying groceries, a bike rider, traveling at great speed, tried to overtake from the wrong side of the lorry and while overtaking touched the lorry and fell down. The speed was such that his helmet flew out of his head, probably he had not secured it and just kept it on head to avoid law enforcers, and his head took the impact of his fall. There was blood all around especially around his head. Agreed he was in hurry, but what if you don't even get a chance to scream. The ambulance took him to the hospital. Don't know what happened further, but certainly he was unconscious.

    I feel, wearing helmet while riding a bike is must, whether its a short distance or long, and it should be enforced if people don't realize its worth.


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  3. There was this guy on the other end of cell-phone. I don't even know who this guy is? But one thing I knew certainly what this guy's responsibility was and he had clearly failed at that in-spite of having ample (much much more than enough) time at hand, which caused me a lot of trouble. So to get the things done quickly I had no other choice but to shout on him. As expected, he apologized for his mistake and promised to finish it as soon as possible.

    Good so far. After getting around my work; my conscience came back haunting me whether it was really necessary to shout on him? My first half of the day got wasted because of his mistake, and the later because of guilty conscience that had arisen as a result of my shouting on him; which I think was really reasonable because otherwise he wouldn't have done it at all. The part of the day was simply wasted...


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  4. Sir, this is a steering wheel. The purpose of this is to steer the car, give direction, make car turn towards left or right; and to hold the car in a steady line. Turn this gently, turn right and you need to turn left by equal amount. So you need to keep dancing this steering wheel, left and right, right and lest, so that car moves in straight line.

    I nod. (as if I never knew all this before, only thing I lacked was its control )

    This is accelerator, this is brake and the third level I will tell later. Accelerator is used to move car ahead - increase the speed, brake is used to decrease the speed - stop the car.

    I nod.

    Today I will control everything, you try to keep the steering straight. We will practice holding steering for first three class, then we will move on to acceleration and brake.

    I nod.

    We then start the car and proceed further. We are in some by-lanes of our area, with no body around; rarely some other vehicle makes its presence felt. As I control the steering, he keeps making gestures and moving his hands furiously, towards left, towards right. A passerby came in front, I move the steering towards right, negotiating perfectly and he shouts "Aiyy-yaya-yo-yooo, don't turn anywhere" with such a volume that the poor passerby himself is stunned. I ask questioningly and the instructor replies gently hold the steering wheel, not that hard grip and turn slowly. Okay we will learn further in the next class.

    That's how the first driving class ended.


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  5. This is cool. Just type a word in English and press space bar. Google Transliterate will automatically translate the typed text into the devnagri (Hindi/Marathi/Sanskrit...) script. And if the transliteration is not correct, all you have to do is click on the transliterated text and Google will provide you nearest relevant matches. And if that is also not enough, it will even allow you to edit word.

    Link : http://www.google.com/transliterate/indic

    Just copy and paste the transliterated script where ever you want to post/publish it.


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  6. I hate people who are arrogant and behave like an immature person. . . . .


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  7. My bicycle's rear tyre tube burst leaving me with no other option than replacing the tyre-tube. The problem started with finding a replacement tyre-tube for the bike, being a fashionable mountain sports bike not everybody stores the spares. Finally when I managed to get the tube I took my bike to the usual cycle repair stores.

    I have to replace my tyre-tube.
    A middle-aged young man (sitting idle, sipping a cup of tea) replied yeah I will do that.
    I patiently wait for his tea to get over, finally after another 5 minutes, I ask again are you going to replace or not.
    Yes, what's the hurry? (he gets up, looks at the bike, shakes head... I get little restless)
    How much are you going to charge for replacing tyre-tube?
    (Pretending that he hasn't heard, still keeps looking at the bike) How much you purchased this bike for?
    Do you want to change tyre-tube or not? I am not going to tell you how much I bought this bike for.
    It has gears, it has shock-absorbers at both tyre's, its light weight. That will be Rs45.
    What? Rs45 for changing tyre-tubes. New tyre-tube costs less than that.
    Yes that will be Rs45, this is no normal cycle. Plus additional Rs2 for filling air, and that you will have to fill on your own.
    (Irritated by the behavior, but I had no other option) how much time?
    Come after may be two hours.
    What 2 hours for changing tyre-tubes? The cycle repair man was simply sitting there, not even remotely busy, sipping tea and reading a news paper, not even ready to look at cycle. Why do I have to pay him if he does not want to fill air into my tyre-tube? and how does he expect that I fill air on my own and he gets the money?

    Loosing patience, I picked up my bike and started walking back home.  He did not even try to stop me knowing fully that I have no other option as his is the only cycle repair shop in near vicinity.

    So much for the little service and what arrogance?

    P.S: After coming home I decided to try changing tyre-tube myself thinking that in the worst case I would have to go back to that cycle store if it doesn't work. To my amazement changing tyre-tube turned out quite easy, with little help from Google.


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  8. I have never read a book documenting a life of somebody trapped into a war-stricken situation. The description is so vivid that the characters does not remain in mere words but they come out in front of your eyes. You can see those blue eyes, the joy of running for a kite and each and every emotion the author wants to convey.

    The words are so beautifully written that your heart goes through each and every emotion, the time looses its track and by the time you put down the book you realize that you have reached the end. The story keeps on lingering in your mind even after that and you start to imagine what would have happened further, but hosseini leaves you there. An absolute stunner of a book.

    Hats Off for you, A thousand times over, Hosseini, A thousand times over.


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  9. Many of my friends have asked me about few things to look-out for while buying a digital camera. Here I try to capture some of these thoughts without going into too much technical details of each of them. I hope these will help in selecting a better digital camera while buying.

    You are always welcome to add to these.

    Basic Terminologies

    - Resolution
    Camera Resolution is usually expressed as its Megapixel Count; it is basically a measure of the camera’s sensor’s ability to capture image details. The more Mega-pixel count the more image details camera can capture. This measure also determines the maximum image print size you can get out of a picture without loosing the image quality. A 3.1 Megapixel is good enough to have an A4 size image print.
    However doubling Megapixel count does not mean doubling of image print-size as well.

    - Zoom (Optical, Digital, Combined)
    When I was buying a camera I had visited many shops, seen many brands. The general trend I noticed was that each shop-keeper quoted a very high level of zoom capabilities; which is probably true but not.
    The Camera should only be judged on the amount of optical zoom it can provide. Optical zoom figure is a measure of how close you can go to the object without physically moving from your place and most importantly without loosing the slightest details in the image. The more optical zoom, the better.
    Once you have reached maximum optical zoom, you can enlarge portion of the image using Digital zoom. Good computer software will provide better and more zoom. No need to bother much about this figure.
    The combined zoom is simply a multiplication of Optical zoom and Digital Zoom.

    - Lens (Schneider, Carl-Zeiss, Kodak)
    The Most important aspect of camera is its lens. Carl-Zeiss, Schneider, Canon are some of the best lens manufacturers. Some camera manufactures offers their camera’s with either these or in-house made lenses. The cameras with in-house lens are usually priced cheaper, but at the same time image quality is not as good. Check out lens manufacture before buying a camera.

    - Camera Storage Medium (SD Card, XD Card, CF Card, Memory Stick etc.)
    These are different types of memory card formats. These days they are not of much concern however SD card seems to be used by most of the manufacturers. If you are buying a camera with 5MP or above image resolution, then buy a memory card with at least 512MB capacity.
    It is not necessary to buy a memory card from the camera seller itself. Usually you would find a cheaper card at a computer seller’s store. Look out for the supported storage card format before buying.

    - Image Stabilization (Optical/Lens, Electronic etc)
    Image Stabilization compensates for the shaky hands while shooting image. It is good to have a camera with image stabilization, as it will provide you sharper pictures. Optical Image Stabilization becomes an essential factor particularly when you select a camera with 10x or more optical zoom capability.

    - ISO Rating (100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200)
    - Focus (Auto/Manual)
    - Macro Focus (length)
    - Flash Guide No (Usually distance)
    - Flash Operating Modes (Red-Eye, Fill, No Flash)
    - Battery (AA Size etc.)
    - Camera Weight/Size
    - Camera Make (Canon, Nikon, Sony, Kodak, Olympus etc.)

    What to look-out for while selecting a entry-level digital camera?
    As far as the entry level camera segment goes more or less all major camera manufacturers provide similar type of features. The most basic features that you could look out for are Resolution, Optical Zoom, Camera Lens, and probably a camera manufacturer. Size may also become criteria while selecting the camera in this category.

    Buying a semi-professional to professional camera.
    The most important aspects in this segment be to look out for would be Higher MP count, Higher Optical Zoom, Ability to connect external lens, Optical Image Stabilization, Easy of use, and Manual Controls. Ability to connect external flash may also become a deciding factor. Buy a camera from a reputed brand.


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  10. Today, we had session on General Safety and Security tips covering wide range of area's from household tips to road accidents. If you have common sense you would be aware of most of those. This one caught attention.

    "Under any circumstances, Do not Panic!"

    How True!!

    Apart from personal safety and security this one is truly generic. I have seen so many incidences where simply keeping cool would have solved those issues. Instead of trying hard to find a bug, a break and calm reasoning of scenarios; Instead of trying hard to argue with someone, having patience and keeping cool and calm tone and never retaliating; Instead of rushing rashly somewhere when you are already late, just a calm phone call indicating you would be late have always helped me.


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About Me
I was born and brought up in the city famous for its oranges, Nagpur. Completed graduation from the College Of Engineering, Pune (in short COEP). Currently working as an embedded systems engineer in the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore.
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