1. As usual, correctly at 8.00 p.m. he returned back home on his shining bajaj-pulser; humming to the tune of some recent Hindi film. The passage which leads to the main entrance of house was as usual dark. He opened the door, entered into the house and turned back to close the door. Nothing funny here right, everybody does the same thing. He was just about to close the door; and thats when he saw a face, with piercing eyeshanging in the dark corridor. Initially he thought it was his imagination, he rubbed his eyes, closed and opened back his eyes again but still that face with those two piercing eyes looking straight at him was there. For the brief moment he missed his heart-beat, his hairs straightened up, and his body shivered, his mind had stopped working and fear had taken its control, in very short period of time his heartbeats had raced to record level, in short he was simply stunned and shaken. Finally with all his courage, he switched ON the lights, and saw a small girl sitting calmly on the rack kept in the corner of the dark passage, swinging to some tune in her own world. He asked her what she is doing and what she wants. Still in her own world, she looked up, and calmly asked Can I stay here in this passage for the night? He simply closed the door, and in the morning she was gone, and never been seen again.


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  2. Though common sense is not very common, it is still called common sense.


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  3. Though this incident is true, its a bit exaggerated. We had been to St. Marys island this week-end, near Mangalore. We all felt quite thirsty so we decided to have slice. There was only one guy, with couple of bottles, selling cold-drinks on the island. We ordered slice, and asked if it was cold, as there was no chiller in the vicinity. He said, yes, mera guarantee hain. There were very few bottles in his shop, so we asked whether he has any more. He said, Yes, I will get them for you, mera guarantee hain. After we had slice, we gave him 500 rupee note. He asked, Is this note valid? I said yes, mera guarantee hain.


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  4. While past 10 days I was at home, I sketched few portraits using pencils. Here's a link to the album my_drawings

    If the link doesn't work just browse to "http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/piyushsarode/my_photos" and then navigate to the album My Drawings.


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  5. Shaheed Bhagat Singh
    Today is the day three brave men gave their lives for their country.They were no ordinary men; they who fought the British till their last breath. One of these, who's a bit more famous than the other two, went on a fast for 52 days at a stretch!!! They were mercilessly killed on this day by the British. Lets take a moment and remember Shahid Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru.

    For more info visit http://www.bhagatsingh.com/

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  6. The day started normally without any hitches. The door bell rang, he opened the door, took the newspaper. It was quite cold and damp outside. Headline was screaming about how good the finance budget is this time. A chuckle revealed that he was pleased with the budget. Though his opinions differed on some points, but then the other relaxations in tax kind of compensated for those.He look at the watch, there was plenty of time still left before the 9.00 am scheduled meeting would start. He prepared a cup of coffee for himself; switched on the geyser; put on light music and again went back to the newspaper.
    He glanced at the watch while turning a page. 30 minutes still to go before he can leave for office. He again got engrossed in the paper. Ten minutes later, he was brushing his teeths. One of his roommate got up by the time, and seeing the wash-basin pre-occupied his room-mate straight away dived in the bathroom. Before he could say anything, his roommate was enjoying a nice shower in the already hot water. And when his room-mate came out of the bathroom, there was no time left before 9 am. He cursed himself for wasting time on the newspaper, coffee, maid, his luck, and his roommate. After all he had been late for meeting on the third time in row.


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  7. Finally a Digital map of india is up on the net.
    MapmyIndia allows users to find any location or landmark in India and see it on a dynamic, interactive, searchable and highly detailed map, get routes between any two major locations and view various tourist and business locations instantaneously on the map. This interactive and intelligence based web site, combined with in-depth coverage enables you to see detailed maps at various levels, bringing about a paradigm shift in the way people in India have been looking at maps.
    You can navigate the map left-right-up-down, or even zoom in at particular locations.
    visit: http://www.mapmyindia.com

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About Me
I was born and brought up in the city famous for its oranges, Nagpur. Completed graduation from the College Of Engineering, Pune (in short COEP). Currently working as an embedded systems engineer in the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore.
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