1. I know, you wouldn't read this, rather than you wouldn't, you will never read this at all but still. Whenever i was scared, it was you with whom i could seek solace. Whenever i was unconfortable, troubled, dysphoric or distressed with something, you would make me cheerful and make my day. I could turn to you for anything, i needed, and i am sure, you always helped me. I could confide almost everything with you. I always loved you, but i am affraid, i never said so nor I tried to show in any way. Now you have gone, i feel stranded alone. I will miss you. Me tula kadhich saangu shakalo nahii..

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  2. He always had a pleasant smile decorating his face. His face always used to be beaming. He always used to crack jokes on others, but he had uncanny habbit of maintaining good relations with others. Everybody seemed to be liking his presence. Even when he had met with an near fatal accident he wasn't even crying or cursing the driver, though it wasn't his fault at all. He wasn't even worried, nor he showed any symptoms of weakness. He was always on the cloud nine. He used to get up early, then study for an hour or so. At around nine-o-clock, he used to get dressed up, put on a mild perfume, and used to leave for library. Evenings he used to return, and used to tell us what happened during the day. He used to talk about companies, he used to tell us about different types of people he had seen during the day. He used to comment about there speaking styles, sometimes used to enact them, sometimes used to tell us, how he made fool of them, and sometimes, how they proved that he don't know enough.
    On that day also, his routine was same, nothing different from other days, only difference was that he had an interview with his dream company. This was his day, he had waited and prepared for. I remember his beaming face and him telling me "I always wanted to join this company, work for this company. The field in which they work is so exciting, there's wide scope for research. The work environment is so friendly that you don't feel that you are really working for some company, but instead you feel you are at your home, chatting with friends, and doing work, like we used to do during the college projects and so on". Listening him, had had taken me back to those wonderful days of the college
    That day, he came back little late than his scheduled time. I have never seen him so depressed during the days we were together. In an instant complete conversation, which we had in the morning time flashed through my mind. He was beaming and telling, me that "I always wanted to join this company.... ". He was on the verge of crying. I had never seen him soo depressed, dejected, demoralised, despirited, and downhearted. This was completely a shocker to me, and i didn't know how to react. Still, i asked him, what happened?. He replied, they didn't select me, they didn't felt that i am good for there place, and they only selected one person out of thousands people who have come there for jobs. I replied "never mind", to boost his confidence, "There are many better companies out there, and the best one will certainly find you.", "these are parts of life, sometimes you never get what you really wanted." and blah blah blah. I don;t recollect how long i was solacing, and soothing him. But at the end, he was back to his pleasant mood. I was feeling quite good, at my performance. He said, smiling, lets go out and have a party, "I am the only one who's selected"


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About Me
I was born and brought up in the city famous for its oranges, Nagpur. Completed graduation from the College Of Engineering, Pune (in short COEP). Currently working as an embedded systems engineer in the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore.
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